News » Newsletter from Monkhill Chapel on 23rd October 2021
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Hello All,
Just a quick message to keep everyone up to date as some were unable to be at Chapel last week or at Wednesday's Church Council meeting.
As mentioned by Harold at the meeting, our funds were low as at year ending 31/8/21. Just to explain, we have most people on a monthly standing order so the positive is regular monthly income but we have had a lot of expenditure (as well as grants) going towards the new kitchen plus we have not had our necessary income from Lunch with Us during lockdown (and our first Lunch with Us in July was donated to the Circuit Project.) However, moving forward, the bank balance should be going up with the monthly lunches restarting but we cannot be complacent. We know it is difficult for everyone to support Lunch with Us every time and we do have a number of willing members of the community helping out in the kitchen which is invaluable. Last month Harold was unable to be there as he was recuperating and this month Glynis (and Ian) will not be helping due to Ian's forthcoming spell in hospital and recovery and their isolation period. Could you let Kathleen or Lynne know if you can help out with the lunch this time, or at any time in the future, to help our planning process. This could be making an occasional pudding/s, helping set tables or clearing away afterwards, even attending the lunch and talking to people on your table. It all helps spread the load and eases it for those working in the kitchen and those providing lifts.
Re services, this Sunday, which is another Own Arrangement, we have decided to join with Wigton Methodist Church (now in our Circuit) at 10.30am. The following Sunday we are joining together at Solway Chapel, Port Carlisle at 2.30pm and it is particularly important that we give Solway our support at their 5th Sunday services. The Sunday after that, 7th November, we join with Thursby Methodists at 10.00am and then on the 14th November, we are back at Monkhill for a Remembrance Day service. What a variety! Please ring Lynne if you want to go to any of these services, if possible the day before at the latest, so that sharing of transport can be organised.
Finally, please remember about the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal - all details in the Parish Magazine. Boxes now available and the school-room is a drop off venue again. Help also needed to accept filled boxes in a safe and secure way, at the drop off sessions (Tuesday 16 November 2-4pm and Wednesday 17 November 10-12noon - ideally 2 people at each session.)
Thanks very much,
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