title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Newsletter from Monkhill Chapel 18th September 2021

   Newsletter from Monkhill Chapel 18th September 2021    18 September, 2021
Hi All,
Just a quick e-mail to keep you updated.
We have our service in the morning at 10.30am led by Mary Pattinson.
Next Sunday 26th we are joining Beaumont for the Harvest Festival Service at 9.30am. The Church is being decorated on Saturday 25th at 1.30pm. I said at the PCC meeting that we could provide some greenery. They are providing the flowers and informed me that any tins etc brought for decoration will be going to the Foodbank afterwards. Could anyone please help with decorating St Mary's as we do not have to decorate the Chapel for Harvest this year.
I attach some notices that have been e-mailed or sent to me to share with you. Dalston Chapel are holding a HF Coffee Morning on Sat 2 October in the Church from 10am to 12 noon. Also the Cumbria District Newsletter from our Chair of District, James Tebbutt. Worth reading especially about the Herdwick sheep! and the interesting letter from Revd Graham Ransom (South Lakes Circuit Superintendent Minister)
I will put a copy of all these notices on the notice-board in the school-room tomorrow so you don't need to print them off yourselves (unless you want to); just take a note of the dates. It is becoming more important to support other small Chapels in our Hub and throughout the wider Circuit especially if we want support at our events.
Please try to look at the Circuit Facebook page as well; so much interesting and useful information - too much to pass on in this newsletter. We can easily feel insignificant as a small Chapel but remember we are part of a bigger Hub/ Circuit/ District/ Connection and it's only by reading about things or experiencing them, that we will truly feel part of the bigger picture.
Hope to see you tomorrow,
Cumbria District Methodist Women in Britain
‘Come Back Together’
Thursday 23rd September 2021
Penrith Methodist Church from 10.30am – 2.0pm
A short business meeting followed by a Communion Service led by Rev James Tebbutt
Lunch and informal fellowship time to follow (Drinks available from 10am and at lunchtime) Please bring a packed lunch
Retiring collection
You are cordially invited to a new venture -
come with friends and relax at,
Thursby Methodist Church for a
Soup and Pudding lunch. 
On Friday 24th September from 12 noon, (then each month - last Friday).
Donations for church funds.
District Newsletter – September 2021
District Chair’s Pastoral Letter
Dear Friends,
Like a shepherd he will tend his flock and with his arm gather them together; he will carry the lambs close to his heart, and gently lead those that have young (Isaiah 40.11)
I hope that through the summer weeks all have had opportunity for some rest, reflection and relaxation, even as we gather ourselves for a new Connexional year.
‘Gathering and Regathering’ in inclusive ways was a theme of the Sunday worship at this year’s Methodist Conference, and each District was invited to offer a symbol linked to that theme. The representatives from the Cumbria District chose a cuddly ‘Little Herdy’ (including of our symbol on display in the Conference hall during the week!).
Herdwick sheep are native to Cumbria, and their wool and general characteristics are extremely hardy and capable of dealing with the wet and cold weather endured on the higher fells in the Lake District. Living on the edge in the most difficult of conditions perhaps resonates with the way that we have all been living through the ‘inclement’ at best, life-taking at worst, weather of the pandemic? It might also resonate with the experience of those who for years have lived on the margins of Society, and of our Church, experiencing belittlement and exclusion by prejudicial (prejudging) attitudes and presumptions. Two of the Conference reports challenged this: Justice, Dignity and Solidarity; and the Theology of Safeguarding, which we will initially consider at our Synod on 11th September.
With these themes, sometimes we become victims, but too often perpetrators (even if unwittingly). This invites reflection, humility, and positive action on all our parts.
At various moments in the cycle of the seasons, Herdwick sheep are gathered and regathered from the margins on the fells to be brought to the lower fields and valley farms for lambing, clipping and sheering, sheep dipping, and breeding. The flock is intentionally maintained and invigorated through the genetic mixing enabled at times by a seasonal introduction of new ewes and tups.
In the same way, sometimes we need to be gathered in so as to include new members, giftings, identities, and attitudes, in order to flourish as a whole, before going back out again, to the service, and a style of service, to which we are called. As they travel to and from the mountains and valleys, Herdwicks are usually ‘hefted’ and know their own way to and fro on their paths and fells, even as their shepherds signal the time for these journeys. At times, entrusted and responsible, we can find our own way, yet, even more often than the Herdwicks perhaps, we need the help of our Good Shepherd to guide us into the places and ways that sometimes require from us greater humility and grace, clarity and strength, in the repented attitudes and behaviours, and redeemed service and inclusion, to which we are called.
Herdy’s are immensely lovable; amazingly, God finds that to be the case with us too! Maybe we can grow into ways that in thought and action become genuinely more loving, in our comings and goings, gatherings and re-gatherings. In this, through God’s acceptance and affirmation of us, we will find the awareness and strength to accept and affirm others.
May God bless you and all,
The Revd Dr James Tebbutt
Coming out of the Pandemic
As lockdown restrictions have been ending, all churches and circuits have been thinking about what this means for the future shape of our church life and endeavours. For example, the Revd Graham Ransom, Superintendent Minister of the South Lakes Circuit, wrote the letter set out below (his 60th weekly letter to the South Lakes Circuit since the pandemic began!), and we gratefully include it here as it will perhaps resonate the situations and reflections of other churches and circuits as well, and the themes that others are presently reflecting upon.
Dear Friends,
I hit the grand old age of 60 recently, of course, we couldn't celebrate it as we wished, but I did have a good day. Now our little missives have reached that same, diamond landmark. I have been pondering on five questions lately, and that has started some discussion among various groups. These questions, I think, are key to the future. They are:
* What have we started during the pandemic that needs to continue?
* What have we started during the pandemic that need to stop?
* What have we stopped during the pandemic that needs to restart?
* What have we stopped during the pandemic that needs to stay stopped?
* What else do we need to start now?
These questions look to the future of the Church. They help us to focus on the fact that, in order to survive, even thrive, we need to adapt, and change. I have looked at this subject on more than one occasion in these letters and have done so because I have worried about them on many occasions.
•How are we, under God, going to move forward?
•How can we best be the Church where we are?
•How can we tell the Good News of Jesus to those around us?
•How can we grow, as a Church and as Christians?
These, and many other questions hang on those original five.
However, I have become aware that these questions apply, not just to the Church, but to me as well and to you. They apply to all who profess the faith of Christ and seek to serve and follow, because the work of the Church depends upon the work of Christ's followers. It is, after all, we who make up the church, not the buildings. So, if we feel we cannot help and support as we answer questions 1, 3 and 5 above, then they cannot happen, and the work of God cannot continue in our communities.
The last months have seen great changes in our lives in general, and in our church lives in particular. I am heartened as I hear of buildings reopening and worship restarting. Life is returning to our churches. It is exciting and life affirming, even if it still isn't quite the same as it was. Indeed, it is unlikely ever to be the same as it was - do we want it to be the same? The five questions point to and encourage new ways of working. I was at a meeting recently looking at how the Connexional Initiative "New Places for New People" might be taken up in our District. This initiative looks, as the name suggests, at how we might do something new: plant new churches, start new groups, reach out to new people. This is something, which as a circuit, has been on our minds a lot of late. I can send you a short document explaining more of this if you wish, just ask.
It was Henry Ford who said, “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” Are we happy with what we've always got? Do we need to pray, seek and find other ways forward: new ways of being Church, new expressions of our faith?
I believe so. Remember the WW1 poster of Lord Kitchener with his finger extended, proclaiming "Your country needs you"? Well, your saviour needs you! We can all make excuses, but those whom God calls, he also equips, and God calls us to that which we can do, not that we can't. Please pray through those five questions as they relate to you.
Keep well, keep praying, keep searching.
Safeguarding Training
The Advanced Module (Online) 2021
Edition This course is split into three parts:
● Advanced Module (online) e-learning - this takes between 4 and 7 hours, depending on your learning style, to complete. It can be completed in smaller sections over approximately 3 weeks. The accompanying Workbook is for your personal use and is not assessed.
● Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module (online) and for further study and resources.
● Advanced Module (online) Gathered Session – a 2-hour group session via Zoom to consolidate learning from the e-learning.
The training aims to:
• consolidate and develop your previous safeguarding learning
• explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church
• further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the Church and community
• extend your understanding of responding well to different groups within the Church community.
The Cumbria District is running regular Advanced Module (online) programmes.
Dates for Gathered Sessions
Wednesday 29th September 10.00a.m. to 12 noon (bookings close on Tuesday 31st August) Wednesday 29th September 2.00p.m. to 4.00p.m. (bookings close on Tuesday 31st August) Tuesday 12th October 7.00p.m. to 9.00p.m. (bookings close on Monday 13th September) Thursday 14th October 7.00p.m. to 9.00p.m. (bookings close on Wednesday 15th September)
To book onto a course you need to:
1. Select a suitable date on which to attend a Gathered session – see the list below. This session must be booked at least 4 weeks in advance.
2. Book onto a course via Eventbrite, using this link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creating-safer-space-advanced-module-training-gathered-session-registration58361794699
Please note that you will need to use some form of computer and have reliable Wi-Fi access throughout this training. You will also need to register for the course using the email address which you will use throughout the training programme.
Once registered, you should receive more details via email and by post. If you have not been contacted within 21days of your Gathered Session, please contact the District Safeguarding Officer, Graham Kay: Mobile 07704 037011 Email cumbria.district@dso.methodist.org.uk For further information, please contact your Circuit Safeguarding Officer.
10-12 Queens College Rural Placement in KSAT Circuit
11 10:00 Representative Synod – Western Fells Circuit: Lorton Street MC, Cockermouth
18 9:30 CTiC Dementia Anna Chaplaincy Conference – Zoom
22 10:00 Regional Learning Network Forum – Zoom
23 10:30 MWiB Gathering – Penrith Methodist Church
28 Welcome to Cumbria Ecumenical Day – Postponed
6 10:00 District Probationers Committee Briefing – Penrith Methodist Church
7 19:30 District Safeguarding Group – Zoom
9 10:00 District Circuit Stewards Meeting – Cottage Wood Centre, Calthwaite
9 14:30 Argentina Link Group – Langwathby Methodist Church
13 10:00 District Policy Group – Stainton Methodist Church
16 10:00 District Local Preachers’ Meeting – Carver Uniting Church, Windermere TBC
29-31 3Generate – NEC, Birmingham
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