News » Newsletter from Monkhill Chapel 4th September 2021
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Hi everyone,
I attach a copy of the Circuit Plan covering Sept to Nov just in case you haven't recd a copy via e-mail from the Circuit Administrator. The Circuit photocopier has broken down so there are limited paper copies available. I will however run some off to make available in Chapel for the next service at Monkhill on Sunday 12th which will be led by Mrs Pat Staley.
This Sunday 5th, there is no service at Monkhill as we are joining with Gilsland Chapel for their Harvest Festival Service at 2.30pm. If anyone would like a trip out to Gilsland tomorrow afternoon, please get in touch with Kathleen or myself asap and we will arrange transport. It will be good to support another small rural Chapel.
We are also joining with St Mary's Beaumont for their Harvest Festival on Sunday 26th September at 9.30am so no service at Monkhill that day.
Kathleen, Harold and I were at the Circuit Welcome Service last Wednesday evening at Wigton Road, the first service of the "new" larger Circuit with Wigton, when we welcomed the Revd Tokunbo Asogbon, his wife and 2 young sons. He has replaced Rachel at Brampton and the Border Hub of Churches.
Thank you to everyone who attended Lunch with Us recently, helped or made puddings. We are delighted that most people have returned and that we had some new supporters. Also many thanks for helping/supporting/baking etc. for the Open House at Braelees last Monday. The event was very enjoyable with delicious eats but numbers were down on 2019 which is no real surprise considering all that has happened between times. Nevertheless approx £460 (I think, Harold will confirm) was raised for Chapel Funds so it was well worthwhile. Special thanks must go to Harold and Kathleen for hosting it again.
See you soon,
Circuit Preaching Plan 1st September — 30th November 2021
For friends and visitors
Reverend David Newlove (Superintendent) 01228 585295 Day off Friday
Reverend Philip Jackson (Superintendent) 016973 42468 Day off Friday
Reverend Tokunbo Asogbon 016977 2452 Day off Saturday
Deacon Mark Attwood 01228 672427 Day off Saturday
Circuit Administrator (Tues–Thurs 9.30am – 1.30pm, Thurs 5-7pm)
Miss Vicky Logan 01228 523990
Welcome to the North Cumbria Methodist Circuit. Over the page you will find the details of all our Sunday services for these three months. We offer you a warm welcome to any of these services. If you require any further details then please contact one of our ministers who will be glad to assist you
The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission
Sun. 10:30am Sunday Morning Worship Zoom
Sun. 6:30pm Sunday Evening Worship Zoom
Tues. 9:30am – 11:30am Coffee Morning Cornerstone@Wigton
Tues. 10:00am Tea @ Ten Zoom Tue. 7:30pm Study Group Zoom
Wed. 10:30am Wednesday Morning Service Brampton
Wed. 7:30pm Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting Zoom
Wed. 01 7.30pm Circuit Launch & Welcome Service Wigton Road & Zoom
Wed. 08 7.30pm Circuit Local Preachers & Worship Leaders Meeting Thursby
Mon. 13 7.30pm Circuit Meeting Wigton Road & Zoom
(Any items for the next Circuit Magazine send to the Circuit Administrator by 6th September)
Fri. 01 10.00am Hospice at Home Coffee Morning Beaumont Parish Hall
Lectionary 1 Nov. Isa. 25:6-9 Ps 24 Rev. 21:1-6a John 11:32-44
North Cumbria Methodist Circuit Online: Website: Facebook Page: Twitter: Youtube: North Cumbria Methodist Circuit
For details to join any of the Zoom Meetings online or over the phone please contact the Circuit Administrator during office hours or the Ministers.
To listen to Recorded Services call 01228 588208