News » Weekly newsletter from Monkhill Chapel 10th July 2021
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Hello all,
Thanks to everyone who turned out for our re-opening service last Sunday. It was so well attended and wasn't it good to be able to sing outside and then have coffee. Now tomorrow it's Margaret Newrick who's leading our service and if I could appeal to you to try to attend if possible as I know that both Judith and Glynis are unable to be there.
The following Sunday, 18th, is an "Own arrangement" but we have decided to support Wetheral again at their Joint Outdoor service (this time in the Church grounds rather than Village Green). Please let me know tomorrow if you wish to join us and we can make transport arrangements. The Sunday after that, 25th ,there is no service at Monkhill but we are joining with Wigton Rd at 4.00pm for the Farewell Service for Rachel Williams and family. Reminder - any contributions towards Rachel's farewell gift to Harold by Monday 19th July please.
Last Sunday was Thank-you Day; David touched on it during his sermon. What a shame there is a need to dedicate one day a year to say Thank-you; we should be saying it everyday to ourselves, to each other, in our prayers etc. It's not just about saying thank-you but being grateful for all that we have and, as Christians, show gratitude in our words, actions and gifts both physically and monetary, to try to redress the imbalance in our society and world. Perhaps we don't say thank you enough but rather take a lot of things/people for granted! Some time ago I received a thank you note as a Steward at Monkhill Chapel from the Circuit Leadership team and it meant such a lot to me to be appreciated. I notice on the NCMC Facebook page that the Hospital Chaplaincy team have received a lovely thank you in the form of a framed cross-stitched sampler that says:
Thank you Chaplaincy team
NCIC staff appreciate your support
(made by a member of staff on Willow Ward - what a lovely gesture of thanks)
Anyway, that's all for now and "thank you" for reading this.
God bless and stay safe and well,
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