title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel newsletter 3rd July 2021

   Monkhill Chapel newsletter 3rd July 2021    3 July, 2021
Hi everyone,
After missing the Chapel News last Saturday due to being away, you will be pleased to know we are back safely, rested, revived and restored after a week of lovely summer weather in Scotland, that is until now as we try to get to grips with the garden, weeds, grass cutting and all the washing and ironing (you know what it's like - treading water comes to mind)
Hope you haven't forgotten that Chapel services resume tomorrow, 10.30am as usual. The first service will be led by Revd David Newlove and will include communion. David is bringing things with him including communion elements so nothing to do beforehand although Harold and Kathleen have made sure everything is ready in the Church since our last cleaning session.
I expect the Plans for June to August have been made available by now but if not, these are our services for July (if paper plans have not been issued, I will arrange for you to receive a copy via email.) Remember that our service details are also printed in the Parish Magazine.
July 11 10.30am Mrs Margaret Newrick
July 18 10.30am Own Arrangement
July 25 10.30am No Service at Monkhill but join Wigton Rd MC at 4.00pm for farewell service for Revd Rachel Williams and family
Please note that Rev Rachel Williams will be presented with a gift at the Farewell Service on the 25th of July, if anyone wishes to contribute towards the gift please give or send your donation to Harold, our Church and Circuit Treasurer, by 19th of July at the latest. Thank you.
I thought you would be interested to read the following posted by David Newlove on NCMC Facebook page regarding an important and difficult decision made by the Methodist Conference just recently. For further information on this and the Methodist Conference, please follow the appropriate links on the facebook page. I know we may all have differing feelings on this subject but I do appreciate David's stance on the matter and his rational thoughts behind them:-
A personal post from Rev David Newlove.
"Today the Methodist Church voted to become a broader, more inclusive church. This will include the conducting of same sex marriages. This is a massive change. Some are rejoicing, other grieving. Some sadly, because of this decision by our guiding Conference are looking to leave the denomination. I understand their position but I will remain - because the God who called me in has not called me out and unless he does I will remain within and loyal to her - contradictory convictions and all. I rejoice that rather than subduing or ignoring the matter we have tackled it openly and graciously. This is not about watering down or ignoring scripture. The Bible has been and is always the Word of God. What we have done is recognise that our interpretation of the original text (and context) can be legitimately interpreted in differing ways. And though I may not understand all of this I am willing to support the position because I believe it will bring us to a richer, deeper understanding of God and a greater fellowship with each other. I hope that you can join me in this confident position."
Please pray about the situation as we strive to be a more open and inclusive Christian organisation and more tolerant individuals.
At this moment in time, I am not intending to continue with this weekly newsletter now that services are resuming but some thought needs to be given as to how is best (for you) and easiest (for me) to keep you updated with information. Let me know what you think.
That's all for now folks,
God willing, see you at Chapel in the morning!
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