News » Weekly newsletter from Monkhill Chapel 5th June 2021
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Good evening all,
Hope you are well. Sorry this is being sent so late in the day. We have had no water since late afternoon so all my schedules have gone "to pot". Nevermind all seems OK now.
I attach the notes from the recent meeting at the Chapel about re-opening again. For those of you not there, please put the Autumn Church Council date of Wed 20 October, 2pm in your diaries please.
We plan to hold another cleaning morning at Chapel on Thursday 17th June, starting with coffee at 10am.
Special thanks go to Stuart (McConnell) for again spraying weedkiller on the profusion of weeds outside the Chapel. They looked so unsightly but are now dying back. We will be ship-shape both inside and out ready for the Chapel re-opening which is really good.
We had a lovely "first" 4th Sunday service at Solway Chapel, Port Carlisle last Sunday afternoon led by Revd Rachel Williams and husband Steve. A small gathering but good, with representation from Solway Chapel, Monkhill and Newtown Methodists.
The following was taken from the NCMC Facebook page and is food for thought:-
Maybe the journey isn't so much about becoming anything
Maybe it's about unbecoming everything that isn't really you
So you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.
Until next week,
God Bless and keep safe and well,
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