News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 27th March 2021
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Hi everyone,
I've got quite a lot to share with you this week.
The latest edition (paper copy) of North Cumbria Methodist Circuit RoundandAbout magazine, Spring/Summer 2021, is on it's way to our members at Monkhill.
Good Friday Walk of Witness
Please find attached details about the Good Friday Walk of Witness (Digital copies for viewing on screen and print copies for a printer friendly version). There were a lot of attachments that came through so please let Lynne know if you require the full Bible readings or Hymns and she can send them to you.
Methodist Church Easter Celebration Service
The following is the link to the Methodist Church Easter Celebration Service audio download: https://www.
Questionnaire for Dissertation
Rev Rachel Williams, Minister at Brampton, has been doing an MA in Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy. For her Dissertation, Rachel is investigating if church can be offered using technology and more traditional methods of communication such as mailings and phone calls.
The question Rev Rachel will be considering is: Can the use of mixed methods of technology enable a continued sense of community for those unable to attend churches in the North Cumbria Circuit?
In order to do this study, Rev Rachel is asking people to complete the questionnaire (below). It is slightly different from the last one because it asks additional questions about confidence with technology and if the responder is over 65. The last question is because over 65 is the definition chosen for older people. It is the older members of the circuit who are the focus of the study. Would you please complete the questionnaire to assist Rachel in her dissertation. Apologies if this has already been sent directly to you. The questionnaire is in two formats for those who wish to edit the document on a device or print the form to complete.
It is requested that completed forms be returned by the 30th of April and emailed or posted to the Circuit Administrator. email: Address: Miss Vicky Logan, Circuit Office, Upperby Methodist Church, 116 Upperby Road, Carlisle, CA2 4JL. Thank you in advance from Rachel to all those who take the time to complete and return the questionnaire.
The following is another of the WI poems that have been on display around the Parish for you to enjoy:-
Kindness, just kindness is all that it takes
to make a day happy, for kindliness makes for peace and for cheerfulness, grace and goodwill stirring no trouble and speaking no ill.
Feeling for others and trying to ease the burden that presses, to help and to please; forgetting yourself and your own heavy load; thinking of somebody else on the road.
The value of kindness you cannot assess. Spoken or written no word can express how one little kindness can make someone’s day- giving them courage to go on their way. a smile on their lips and a song in their mind, just because somebody somewhere was kind.
And finally, before I forget, a reminder that tomorrow is the start of British Summer Time (hip hip hooray) so clocks go forward tonight by 1 hr (Spring Forward, Fall Back!).
Let's hope the coming days get dryer and warmer as we ease out of lockdown and the stay-at-home rule lifted to a degree and we are able, all being well, to meet up outside in small groups. It's a start anyway.
And remember Hands, Face, Space, Grace
Until next week,, please take care,
Questionnaires For Dissertation Hybrid Church Questionnaire Worship Consultation Q1 What has been good / not good about worship in the Lockdown?
Q2 What have you missed most about pre-lockdown worship? Are there any church events such as church anniversaries that you have missed?
Q3 What other things would you like to introduce to church after the lockdown?
Q4 How do you think we could create acts of worship that are more engaging for people currently outside the church?
Additional Information Q1 In January and February 2020 how often did you attend church? Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Special Services
Q2 How easy is it for you to access the church you would normally attend? Very Easy Quite Easy Okay Quite Difficult Very Difficult
Q3 Before March 2020, how confident were you using technology such as tablets/iPads and online platforms such as Zoom? Very Unsure Quite Unsure Okay Quite Confident Very Confident
Q4 Has your ability with technology changed? Worse Slightly Worse Same Better Improved
Q5 Are you over 65? Yes/No |