News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 20th March 2021
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Hello everyone,
Hope you are all well and no doubt looking forward to "the way out of lockdown" and a haircut! (unless you have a hairdresser or someone competent to do so in your household/bubble)
Next Tuesday, 23 March is exactly 12 months since we first went into lockdown and nationally there is to be a minute's silence at 12noon to mark this.
In our Parish there will be a gathering (socially distanced, face coverings obligitory etc) on Beaumont Village Green, beside St Mary's Church, beginning at 11.55am on Tuesday. We thought the green would be a better venue than the entrance to the Church as there is more space, it is level and there is a seat. This is an opportunity for anyone to reflect on our collective loss and grief and personal experiences which will be many and varied throughout this time. It is open to all, of all faiths and none. It will be led by Margaret Parkinson of St Mary's and myself, representing Monkhill Methodists. A brief introduction, then 1 minute's silence followed by a short prayer; no longer than 5 mins in total. There will also be a similar event at the War Memorial in the Churchyard in Burgh-by-Sands. Please give your support if you can. Those not wishing to or not able to, due to shielding for instance, can still join in alongside Radio or TV coverage in the comfort of your own home.
Linda Beattie has circulated an email with poster attachment for our Parish notice boards but, because time is so short, can you please let as many people know as you can. Margaret has been making numerous phone calls and I said I would include it in this weekly Chapel News. Thanks so much and hope to see you Tuesday.
The Cumbria Methodist District has a new website. There are some gaps at present but these will be filled over time. This is what it says on the Home page:-
The Cumbria District is part of the Methodist Church in Britain. It includes the Circuits (or groups of local Methodist churches and local ecumenical partnerships) within the ecumenical county of Cumbria. We work closely with others through the God for All partnership and vision, and through local Mission Communities.
The God for All vision is that we seek to follow daily Jesus Christ, to listen to and care deeply for our neighbours and communities, to speak boldly through words and actions of the love that God has for all, and to tread gently on God's earth through concern and action for the climate and environment.
As part of the wider Methodist Church we also understand Our Calling to be to worship, learning and caring, service, and evangelism.
We hope that through this website, whether you live in or are visiting this beautiful county with its agriculture, industry and tourism, you will discover information and links that are helpful to you.
Hands, Face, Space, Grace
and God is with Us
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