News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 16th January 2021
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Good evening once more,
Don't know about you but I feel that these weeks are flying by faster than ever; it just seems like yesterday that I sat down to write last weeks newsletter!
God uses broken things;
It takes broken soil to produce crop
Broken clouds to give rain
Broken grain to give bread
Broken bread to give strength
-Vance Hanver
On the subject of broken bread, the Covenant Service for the NCMC (North Cumbria Methodist Circuit) will be held next Sunday 24 January but you may wish to attend the following one too!
You are invited to a special Methodist Covenant Service online on Sunday 17 January at 4pm.
Led by Revd Dr Roger Walton, the preacher is Revd Dr Calvin Samuel and it promises to be a special occasion as we renew our covenant with God at the beginning of 2021. Join in with a Covenant prayer by voices from our official international development agency, All We Can, as we are led in worship by Matt Beckingham, Gareth Moore and others.
This act of worship will be live on our YouTube Channel at 4pm on Sunday - you won’t want to miss it!
As stated last week, there was a Zoom meeting on Thursday evening of the churches that will make up the Solway Hub. Harold & Kathleen and Lynne attended. As is often the case, there were a variety of views and expressions. Monkhill has been able to put forward their support of hubs as follows:
Monkhill would definitely be in favour of hubs as we see it as a way forward; working together, being more resilient and sharing the load. This would leave more time and energy to concentrate on other things at our own Churches, primarily focussing on our Mission both in our individual neighbourhoods and also collectively within our hubs. It would enable us to have a better understanding of each other's Churches, which is perhaps missing at the moment, so that any situation that does arise can be dealt with pro-actively (ie. help being readily available) rather that re-actively (ie. having to ask for help). I think it would be a real asset moving forward into Mission Communities. We all need each other's support and Christian friendship at this moment in time, to comfort and inspire us, so now is a good time to start to unite.
All views will be taken forward to be included in further discussion. David Newlove has also sent a letter and outline proposal (attached ) for the formation of a new Circuit together with Wigton from 1 September 2021. Please read it and give it some thought. There will be a Zoom meeting to discuss this on Monday 25 January at 7.30pm. Because not everyone is able to share on Zoom, you are invited to share your thoughts prior to the meeting with David Newlove on 01228 585295 or email As a Chapel member or adherent, you do have a say. It is expected that a formal proposal will be put to the next Circuit Zoom Meeting on Thursday 25 February.
Zoom link for Monday 25th January Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 815 0855 6154 Passcode: 967763 Dial by your location 0203 051 2874 Zoom links for Thursday 25th February Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 889 2229 4829 Passcode: 077092 Dial by your location 0203 051 2874 Please note that the Log-in details for future weekly meetings/services etc are now fixed (see attached for full details)
As you may know, the Chapel has a What's Ap group for sending quick messages and information to each other. If you would like to join the group (and are able to load What's Ap onto your mobile phone), please get in touch with Kathleen (575010)
Many thanks for reading and good-night and Hands, Face, Space, Grace