News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 17th December 2020
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Good evening everyone,
Hope you're all keeping well and safe although I think I've seen or spoken to most of you since the last week's newsletter.
The first thing to report is a bit of good news, in fact very good news----Angela's daughter, Kate has given birth to a second daughter, Clara Alice, on Monday 14th December, weighing in at a tiny 5lbs+. Mother and daughter both well. Congratulations to them all.
This Sunday (4th Sunday of Advent and last Sunday before Christmas) is Cumbria's Big Carol Sing at 6.00pm and, as indicated in last week's news, Kathleen, Harold and I have this morning distributed post-card invitations and Carol Sheets together with led tea-lights to every household in Monkhill (see attachments for your information). Your support of this as members/supporters of the Chapel would be very much appreciated so I hope to see you there to help with the singing! Please note that I have spare led tea-lights which I will bring along and we also have copies of the latest RoundandAbout.
I have learnt this afternoon that a similar event is being organised in Beaumont around the village green by Ian and Judy Gopsill of Beaumont, members of The Border Kirk, Carlisle. If we all make a very loud, joyful noise to the Lord, we may be able to hear each other although it may not be in unison!
For those of you that responded to the appeal for goods for the moving-on packs, I have not forgotten about arranging a collection; I am still trying to contact Lisa McCormick of the City Council. I'll keep on trying although it seems likely now that any collection will be after New Year.
The following 2 items are taken from the NCMC Facebook page:
The difference between Mercy and Grace?
Mercy gave the Prodigal Son a second chance,
Grace gave him a feast!
There are also Tiny advent poems for each day of advent by Amy Scott-Robinson of - please have a look at them.
The one for today, I am sure, is written especially for me!? -
The house is in a mess
Nothing in its place
Some things are missing
I'll never be ready
But help is on its way
Please note that the next Chapel newsletter will be sent out prior to our next planned Service of the New Year (an Own Arrangement) on Sunday 3 January 2021!
Best wishes and a Happy Christmas & peaceful New Year to you all,
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