News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 28th October 2020
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Hello all,
Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent (29th November); there is plenty of material on NCMC facebook page relating to advent - why not take a look. Why not light a candle at home to celebrate this although do put it in a safe place and remember to blow it out afterwards.
We now know that as from Wednesday 2nd December, Cumbria will be in tier 2 which means our area is still in high alert! Places of Worship are allowed to open but we cannot interact with others not in our household or social bubble. Kathleen and I have decided (and we hope you will agree with us) that the Chapel will not be re-opening immediately afterwards. This is for the following reasons:-
1. There are not many Sundays in the run-up to Christmas and on one of them, the 13th, we plan to join with St Mary's for the Community Christmas Service at 11.00am at Beaumont.
2. The Sundays nearer to Christmas and New Year will be under pressure preacher-wise and we have the option of listening to our Circuit Service on-line or, if we so wish, join with another congregation who are holding a physical service.
3. The Kitchen installation work will be progressing during December.
Therefore, it is planned to resume services after New Year, assuming Covid regulations allow. Our Minister, David Newlove is fully aware of this and he will be informing us, in due course, the date of our Annual Covenant Service in January.
Cumbria's Big Carol Sing takes place on Sunday 20 December at 6.00pm. Are you and your neighbours ready for the big sing? Get the word out, wrap up warm, join in with BBC Radio Cumbria & encourage everyone else to participate, then go out on your doorstep and "make a joyful noise to the Lord". Plenty of ideas and resources at .… I'm sure we'll be hearing more about it both locally and nationally in the days to come.
Now a couple of weeks ago, I reminded you about the appeal for items by the City Council to make up "moving on" packs for residents of the Men's Hostel and Women's Refuge. (List attached again). I was asked to contact them after lockdown to arrange for a collection of items. A final reminder please to let me know if you have any items, or to those who have already contacted me, any further items, so I can inform them, especially regarding any larger goods, and arrange collection. I'm sure we all have "stuff" we don't want or never use that would be really useful to someone else so please contribute and let me know by Thursday 3 December. Many thanks.
Perhaps you might say a prayer beside your lighted candle:.
Prayer is sitting in the silence until it silences us,
choosing gratitude until we are grateful
and praising God until we ourselves are an act of praise.
(by Richard Rohr
Contemplative Monk)
Finally, thank you for your kind words of appreciation recently for this weekly newsletter. Glad you like it.
God Bless,
Churches Together in Carlisle & District Churches Together have been working with John Street Hostel. One of the ways in which we can assist people at John Street is by making donations to the packs of items the residents need when they are moving on. John Street Hostel—Moving on Packs We are always in need of any household goods in good clean working order from cutlery to beds and cookers etc. Cutlery, Throws, Crockery, Towels, Mugs, Tea Towels, Jugs, Curtains-all sizes and for all rooms, Utensils, Rugs, Storage Jars, Holdalls, Pans—all sizes, Suitcases, Frying Pans—all sizes, Lamps, Baking Trays, Clocks, Casserole Dishes, Storage Boxes, Kettles, Duvets, Irons, Sheets—all bed sizes, fitted and flat, Ironing boards, Duvet covers/sets all sizes, All white goods—washing machine, cooker, fridge, microwave Items can be dropped off at the Reception Desk or for larger items please contact Lisa to organise collection. Lisa McCormick: Stuart Wilkinson |