News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 21st November 2020
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Hello folks,
Well that's another week of Lockdown No. 2 behind us - hope it's gone well for you.
According to a report on TV yesterday, it's gone very well in one Care Home recently (for a change). To cheer everyone up, they had the brilliant idea of a Wish Tree and encouraged the residents to write a wish and hang it on then tree. I expect some wishes were easier to come true than others but 3 residents were especially thrilled when their wishes were brought to reality.
One lady wanted to talk to Cliff Richard (I wish too!!) and Cliff relayed his best wishes to her by name and she was delighted to see and hear him on screen.
A gentleman wanted a ride in a fast car preferably his favourite one (can't remember exactly what but let's say a Ferrari) and a Ferrari drew up outside to take him for a quick spin. He thought it was amazing and very fast!
Another lady was reminiscing about her youth brought up on a farm and was eager to see a tractor and farm animals again and there she was pictured beside a tractor surrounded by animals.
What a super idea - don't know how they managed to arrange them all, let alone the 3 examples shown on TV.
What are you wishing (praying) for today? We pray; shake us up with the Good News of Jesus and show us the way!
This is the Breakthrough Prayer written especially for the Methodist Year of Prayer 2020/21. A prayer for God to break through in the life of our churches:
God of love, God for all,
your purposes are more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. Fill us with your Holy Spirit. Help us let go of all that holds us back. Open our lives and our churches to new seasons of humility and faith, of change and growth. Shake us up with the Good News of Jesus and show us the way. Amen. More information on these items and many more on the North Cumbria Methodist Circuit Facebook page, including Carols on the Doorstep and the local Big Carol Sing on Sunday 20 December at 6.00pm.
Good night and God Bless,
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