title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel newsletter 7th October 2020

   Monkhill Chapel newsletter 7th October 2020    7 November, 2020
Good evening everyone,
I had really should have sent this out earlier today to remind you that due to Lockdown no.2, the Chapel is closed so no service tomorrow and no services until further notice. No coffee at the Drovers either as they are closed as well (although they are doing take away meals every day - details on their facebook page if you are interested)
Please remember our local preachers who will have spent time preparing services for Sunday and now have no congregations to preach to. Like David Foster who rang me just to check we are not expecting him tomorrow. Also spoke to his wife Sandra, who in previous years until the re-organisation this year, has been involved in the local delivery of Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes. She informed me that she will be bringing a large quantity of shoeboxes to Monkhill Chapel as we are now the only drop off point locally for the November date (due to lockdown, a further date has been organised for beg of December but we will not be participating in that one as we have no way of advertising it at such short notice.) Anyway it would appear from this, and from phone calls made to Kathleen & Harold, that Monkhill Chapel is well and truly "on the map" and we are certain to increase our shoebox numbers from last year. Remember if you have a shoebox, the drop-off dates are this coming Monday 10-12 noon and Tuesday 2-4pm in the school-room. If you do not have a shoebox to bring, you can do one on-line or donate on-line towards postage costs. It is not too late.
The same applies to Remembrance Poppies as there are no door-to-door collections this year. You have been able to buy a poppy at most supermarkets but if you have missed this, then please donate on-line to this worthwhile cause.
There is a letter from Richard Teal, President of the Methodist Conference, on the Circuit Facebook page, where he mentions about a Sacrament of Kindness and also that God is with us at this time of uncertainty - please try and read it.
Also on Facebook, Dcn Mark Attwood is inviting us to send him pictures of angels, which he will put into a collage to make into a Circuit Christmas Card - angels (pictures of) required by 20 November please.
You may remember at the start of the first lockdown, I mentioned a item that appeared in Roundandabout appealing for a variety of household items to make up  moving-on-packs for residents of the Men s Hostel (and now also the Women s Refuge). Well some efficient members of Chapel responded but the collection was never arranged (due to an inefficient Chapel member - no name mentioned) Well a collection can be arranged after lockdown so you have another opportunity to donate any unwanted items (see below the list of items needed) and you'll have time to do some sorting out over the next few weeks. If you could let me know by the end of November what you have so that I can pass the info on before the collection is arranged. We can look upon this as our Chapel Project for December - a team effort. Many thanks - I will remind you again in due course.
Finally, also from Facebook:
A Methodist Way of Life
May we be a blessing within and beyond God s Church
for the transformation of the world.
Hands, Face, Space and Stay Safe,

Churches Together in Carlisle & District

Churches Together have been working with John Street Hostel. One of the ways in which we can assist people at John Street is by making donations to the packs of items the residents need when they are moving on.

John Street Hostel—Moving on Packs

We are always in need of any household goods in good clean working order from cutlery to beds and cookers etc.

Cutlery, Throws,

Crockery, Towels,

Mugs, Tea Towels,

Jugs, Curtains-all sizes and for all rooms,

Utensils, Rugs,

Storage Jars, Holdalls,

Pans—all sizes, Suitcases,

Frying Pans—all sizes, Lamps,

Baking Trays, Clocks,

Casserole Dishes, Storage Boxes,

Kettles, Duvets,

Irons, Sheets—all bed sizes, fitted and flat,

Ironing boards, Duvet covers/sets all sizes,

All white goods—washing machine, cooker, fridge, microwave

Items can be dropped off at the Reception Desk or for larger items please contact Lisa to organise collection.

Lisa McCormick: Lisa.Mccormick@carlisle.gov.uk

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