News » Monkhill Chapel newsletter 31st October 2020
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Good evening everyone,
As I've had a busy day, I wasn't exactly sure how the latest Government lockdown guidelines would affect Church Services but just looked on the Circuit Facebook page and the following has appeared
"The government have announced that from this Thursday (5th) worship in our churches will cease until restrictions are lifted". So after tomorrow, that's that then until further notice. We can chat about all the implications over coffee tomorrow.
The following things that appear on the Circuit Facebook page may interest you in lockdown:-
Tea @ Ten every Tuesday morning from 10-11am - Zoom Coffee morning. For those at a loose end, missing conversation & company. You are welcome to join. Contact the Circuit Administrator for joining details.
If you don't do Zoom, then you can always "phone a friend". They may really appreciate a chat and I'm sure it will make you feel better too.
Or why not Dial a Sermon - listen to this week's Circuit Service (which we miss as we're at Chapel). Just call 01228 588208, costing the same as a normal call. Also on You Tube North Cumbria Methodist Circuit.
Thinking back to the previous lockdown, we had some lovely weather to get out and about; in the garden, on daily walks etc.
Now the weather recently has been in the main quite dismal but it is set to improve, so let's hope this lockdown brings some sunny, dry, crisp autumnal days that are a pleasure to see from our windows or take advantage of on daily exercise.
Remember when out---Hands, Face, Space and keep smiling (even under your mask!)
Hope to see you tomorrow,
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