News » Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 25th September 2020
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Hi Folks,
I have decided to send this out a little sooner this week as a reminder it is our Harvest Festival Service on Sunday and it is an Own Arrangement. So if you have any poems, readings, prayers, hymns, tunes that you particularly want, please let me know, even better if you are prepared to read them aloud--just so we can do a little preparation although we are quite good at being spontaneous on the day!
Also, if you able, bring donations of dried or tinned food for the Foodbank or fruit or veg to go to the Women's Refuge. This will help decorate the Church and will then be put to good use afterwards.
To confirm that we have booked to go to The Drovers Rest afterwards for coffee and scones at 11.30am and we are assured they can adequately socially distance us in the back room. It is a good opportunity to support them and a good social occasion for us to catch up with one another which we are missing! Please note you are required to wear your face coverings in the Drovers except when you are seated.
As you will know the NHS Covid-19 App was made available earlier this week so please download the app onto your phone if you can and when you enter the Chapel building on Sunday you will be able to scan the Covid-19 Test & Trace Poster. This is not mandatory but all (open) places of worship do have to at least display the poster and it will all ultimately help to prevent the spread of the virus.
Yesterday, 24 September, was National Day of Prayer for Schools. The Cumbria Methodist District has asked us all to pray for our local schools - pupils, staff and governors and also for their Trust and County and National leadership. Not forgetting further & higher education establishments at this time, our own colleges and university, as students return to learning in a very different and challenging environment.
The Chapel is an Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Drop-off Point for the 2020 Campaign, 9-16 November. Further details are also in the October Parish magazine. Both Information leaflets and flat-packed shoeboxes are available from Church Stewards so why not start filling your shoebox now in plenty of time.
See you on Sunday,
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