title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 19th September 2020

   Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 19th September 2020     19 September, 2020
Hello everyone,
This week unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be much good news. Coronavirus rates are up, serious restrictions in some parts of the country with another national lockdown (of sorts?) threatened. All this when we're heading out of summer weather which has been so lovely recently and into the autumn and winter seasons. BUT the Good News is - God is with Us and he will see us through!
We have had a week of mis-haps within our Church family and friends so we will have a few people we know of to pray for tomorrow at Chapel.
Our service is to be led by Margaret Newrick from Gilsland and it is so generous of her to travel and offer to lead worship at Monkhill.
Hope to see you there!
Finally the following is taken from our North Cumbria Methodist Circuit Facebook page and I thought very appropriate:
When you're in a dark place you sometimes tend to think you've been buried,
Perhaps you've been planted,
(Picture of some plants sprouting up from the soil)
Stay safe and well,
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