News » Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 12th September 2020
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Dear All,
Didn't we have a great service last week. Thanks to Glynis for leading worship and to all those who took part and to Kathleen for all the preparatory work at the Chapel beforehand - what a great team we have!
Tomorrow we look forward to our minister David leading the service.
The Circuit Administrator circulated an e-mail/letter in August regarding GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) with a form to be returned to Circuit Office either by e-mail or by post (an SAE was enclosed). She has received 2 forms from Monkhill so a few are still outstanding. If you have returned yours; thank you. If not, can you do so asap. If you have mislaid it or cant remember receiving it, let me know and I will forward another to you. All members and adherents are included. It is important that you give your permission, or otherwise, to the Circuit to keep your data on file and it is a way for the Circuit to know what information you want from them and how they should send it to you.
This year we are again taking part in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox appeal in November but arrangements will be a little different to usual; no Coffee morning or Shoebox packing session or general collection of items to go in the boxes. We already have a good supply of the flat-packed boxes left from last year which have been securely stored. It is the intention to distribute these to those who wish to take part, ask those individuals to fill them as best they can and open up the school-room at Chapel for a couple of hours on 2 separate dates in order that shoeboxes can be returned. You will be asked to place your filled shoebox into a larger container yourself so that your box is handled as little as possible. Please contact Kathleen (575010) or Lynne (576585) if you require a box or boxes and they will tell you when and where to collect from, or deliver to you if you can't collect. The school room will be open for the return of boxes on Monday 9 November from 10am to 12 noon and on Tuesday 10 November from 2pm to 4pm ONLY. In spite of the difficulties this year, please try to support this worthy cause. Further details about the Shoebox Appeal are on-line - search for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal 2020.
Many thanks, God Bless and Good night! Hope to see you tomorrow morning at Chapel.
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