Our draft ‘Carlisle Local Environment (Climate Change) Strategy’ sets out how we will tackle environmental issues.
Views are also sought on the draft strategy and its proposed actions. The strategy is accompanied by a consultation document, setting out the background and context.
All information, including a link to the online consultation, is available at www.carlisle.gov.uk/climatechange
To respond to the consultation please reply before Friday 18 September 2020. In addition to completing the online survey at www.carlisle.gov.uk/climatechange
Responses can also be sent by email to policy@carlisle.gov.uk Please put ‘Local Environment (Climate Change) Strategy Consultation’ as the subject.
Responses in writing can also be sent to: Local Environment (Climate Change) Strategy Consultation, Policy & Communications, Carlisle City Council, Civic Centre, Carlisle, CA3 8QG.
Following the consultation, the Members’ Advisory Group and Officer Working Group will review the responses to the draft strategy and action plan. The finalised documents will be presented to the Executive and then Council for approval.