title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 15th August 2020

   Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 15th August 2020     15 August, 2020
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's news----
A cautionary tale--mum's god-daughter phoned me this afternoon. The fitting of the new kitchen has come to an abrupt halt! It was ordered end of last year, to be fitted in the new year, then came lockdown so no progress made. She was delighted a few weeks ago to be informed they could start the re-fit--- at last! The kitchen fitter duly came as planned and progress made. He mentioned his wife wasn't too well but she had some health problems resulting from recent hospital treatment and operations so nothing out of the ordinary---perhaps! Anyway one day he didn't turn up and they were informed that the fitter and his wife had tested positive for Covid-19 which of course has now been passed on quite innocently to mum's god-daughter and her husband. They too have had positive test results. The fitter was working in their house after all. Fortunately, no-one concerned, as far as I know, is really ill at the moment, just flu-like symptoms and loss of smell and taste.  The moral of this tale is-----if you feel unusually unwell, please go for a test and isolate immediately to stop this nasty virus spreading.
For those of you unable to be at the meeting last Monday, we spent a very pleasant time on a lovely afternoon in the garden at Braelees, socially distanced of course, and were able to discuss with David, our minister, a number of things. Firstly, we have decided to re-open the Chapel for Sunday morning service, at 10.30 as usual, from Sunday 6th September. The informal service will last about 30 mins and will be led by Glynis Milburn. We will be respecting social distancing and seats will be allocated on arrival and the service will proceed In line with Covid regulations. Please note that face masks/coverings are mandatory in the building. All these details will be appearing in the September Parish Magazine being delivered door-to-door again.
Lunch with Us will not be restarting for some time yet. In the meantime, you will be pleased to know that we are going ahead, within the next couple of months, with the refurbishment of the kitchen as discussed at a previous Church Council. Fortunately, we are not using the aforementioned kitchen fitter!!
We have received a thank you note from Deacon Mel and Glyn, for the card and "goody bag" organised by Kathleen. They are settling in well but it is taking some time to adjust to the erratic driving style in Birmingham after the slower pace experienced here!
The new Deacon and Mission Enabler, Mark and his wife Christina have now moved in to the Crindledyke Manse and you can see their picture and introductory words in the new edition of Roundandabout.
Please note that their Welcome Service is on Tuesday 1st September at 7.30pm on Zoom and Facebook.
I have today taken delivery, courtesy of Marion Proudfoot of Newtown Chapel, of the Circuit Knitted Hearts I ordered recently for Monkhill.  I forgot to collect them from her so thank-you Marion! Kathleen and I have made a list of intended recipients.
Well, that's all for this week folks. Keep safe and well.
God Bless,
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