title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 8th August 2020

   Monkhill Chapel weekly newsletter 8th August 2020     8 August, 2020
Good evening everyone, or Good Morning (as this is late you may not read it until Sunday morning)
Hope you have had a good day enjoying the great weather while it lasts!
I have renewed the notices on the Chapel notice board; the old ones were faded by the sun and spoiled by the damp (the board rains in if the rain is heavy and it's windy)
There are some colourful ones done by some young people.
I hope to collect the Knitted Hearts from Marion Proudfoot before our meeting on Monday - remember the meeting is at 2.00pm. If the weather stays like this, it could take place outside (fingers crossed). I will let you know the decided venue on Monday morning. Our minister David is able to attend.
From the Circuit Facebook page are the following bible passages which may help to focus our thoughts for Monday;
We have all that we need to complete all that we are called to do (Matthew 14:16)
Have you given all that you have so that God can do with it all that he can? (Matthew 14:18)
Also on Facebook, from the Learning Network West Midlands is a short video - Planning for Hybrid Church. Gathering on-line and in person is something new for all of us. Revd Dr Pete Phillips and Revd Dr Jo Cox-Darling share their thoughts on finding the "best of both" and challenge us to consider hybrid church as mission dei - the mission of God. We are encouraged to listen to it to stimulate conversation on the topic in our own context - also useful for Monday so please listen to it beforehand if you are able.
You can now join in on Zoom with a Circuit Bible Study every Tuesday at 7.30pm. Also Prayer requests are welcome.
On Tuesdays (1st and 3rd) at 10.00am is Tea @ Ten - an opportunity to chat and share together on Zoom around the theme of Sunday's morning service.
On Thursdays (2nd and 4th) at 2.00pm is Brew @ Two - an opportunity to chat and catch up with one another on Zoom.
For those who can do Facebook, rather than Zoom,  join in with Sunday Morning Worship at 10.30am and Morning Prayers every Wednesday at 9.00am (or listen anytime if you can't listen Live)
For those who don't do Zoom or Facebook, remember you can listen live or later by phone (the tel nos. have already been circulated to you)
Hope to see you at our meeting on Monday,
God bless,
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