News » Monkhill Chapel News Saturday 4 July
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Good evening everyone,
Hope you are all well and still keeping safe especially if participating in the various freedoms we are now privy to.
Could I draw your attention to the following; all mentioned in further detail, as well as lots of other things, on the Circuit Facebook page (just keep on scrolling down the facebook page to get details):-
Tea @ Ten on Tuesday 7 July at 10am and Brew @ Two on Thursday 9 July at 2pm - join in with others in the Circuit on ZOOM or using your telephone.
ZOOM by phone practise on Wed 8 July at 5pm. Also ZOOM Co-hosting on Thursday 9 July at 7.30pm.
Farewell Service for Dcs Mel and Sarah on Sunday 26 July at 10.30am presented by the Staff Team live on ZOOM and Facebook.
Final reminder: any contributions for leaving gifts for Mel and Sarah to Harold Bowron by 15 July please.
Methodist Conference 2020 including the conference address by Revd Richard Teal, our previous Chair of District, now President of Conference for this year ahead. Richard is an inspirational speaker and his address to the conference was based on the Psalms with the themes of orientation, disorientation and reorientation and is a sermon very much for the current times and well worth listening to.
The UK Dance Blessing (based on the UK Blessing) on You tube - just click on the link. This is closely followed on You tube by the New York Blessing in which 100 churches in New York have participated.
Both are mind-blowing and heart-warming.
Finally to let you know that the Parish Magazine for July/August is available on-line on the East Solway Churches website, listed under Church Life. No door to door distribution again due to Covid-19.
Until next week, keep safe and well,
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