title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

News  »  Monkhill Chapel News Saturday 30 May

   Monkhill Chapel News Saturday 30 May    30 May, 2020
Hi All
Hope you are well and have been enjoying our lovely sunny weather.
I know we seem to be into the umpteenth week of "Lockdown" and are slowly being allowed more freedoms but all this comes with its own challenges.
There may be those who are enjoying the isolation or those who really are not and those who perhaps don't want to think too much about starting to get out and about again.
With this in mind, don't assume that because you haven't heard from someone recently that everything is OK with them.
The following are taken from the NCMC Facebook page which may help you or someone you may know :-
Let Go and Trust God - Is something too big for you to handle on your own? Let go and let God! One of our members found this biblical meditation on
YouTube and they listen to it once a day and it has helped them with anxieties - hhtps://youtube.com/watch?v=y3022mqcnPl
In need of some encouragement? Here are some ideas:
Call 012287 272 008 weekdays 9.00am - 5.00pm and have a friendly chat with one of our volunteers.
Take part in Sunday Morning Worship at 10.30am by joining in on Zoom; you can call in using your normal phone. Please get in touch for access detail. NB. these change every week.
Listen to the latest worship recording by calling 01228 588 208.
Post a prayer request on Facebook or send a message.
Don't hesitate to call one of the ministers.
Join Mel this Sunday for a family-friendly Pentecost Livestream at 4.00pm. Make sure you have some pens and paper ready.
Finally, a thought for the day;
I've found that if I pray for God to move a mountain 
I must be prepared to wake up next to a shovel.
(God may not always answer our prayers directly but will certainly give us the tools or opportunities to make things happen)
Love and stay safe,
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