News » Monkhill Chapel News Saturday 13 June
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Hello all,
To confirm that Methodist Churches nationally will not be re-opening at present. The Methodist Conference this year will be taking place virtually between 25 June and 2 July and a
decision will be made at the Conference about the re-opening of our Churches. Further information and advice will be available in due course.
Deacon Sarah McDowall is now back from sabbatical and Revd David Newlove, our Superintendent Minister, is due back from his sabbatical on 16 July.
As you will know we are loosing our 2 Deacons this year as they move on; Sarah McDowall to the Southend & Leigh Circuit and Mel Beavan to the Queens Foundation in Birmingham.
Dcn Mark Attwood from East Anglia will be replacing Mel wef 1 September in the post of Mission Enabler. You may remember meeting Mark and his wife one Sunday morning at
Monkhill on their first brief visit to the Circuit.
Collections are being arranged for leaving gifts for Sarah and Mel to thank them for the work they have done in the Circuit and with individual Churches. Some Churches will have had
more contact with Mel, like us at Monkhill, and others with know Sarah. Their collections will therefore be separate. Donations (cash or cheque) to Harold Bowron please, our Circuit
Treasurer, by 15 July, specifying which Deacon it is for or how the donation is to be split. Thank-you.
Hope you are all managing to join at least one form of worship on a Sunday or through the week, particularly the Sunday Morning Circuit Service at 10.30am on ZOOM, Facebook or
telephone, led by Circuit Leadership Team members and various Church members - well worth tuning in to!!
That's all for this week folks. Keep safe and well.
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