title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

Village Halls

Use the calendar to view when the hall is available to book, or click here to view a list of all events and times the hall is booked for the next 60 days.

The hall is also avilable for hire. Click on the button below to launch the hall booking form. Please ensure that you have read the terms and conditions of hire before applying to book.


Online Booking Form...

Family Bingo at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

6:30 pm - Bingo Night for all the family starting at 6.30 pm. Free admission. £1 per bingo book. Refreshments available. Raffle.

Monthly Coffee Morning at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

10:00 am - MONTHLY COFFEE MORNING with Hospice at Home (Carlisle and North Lakeland) selling Christmas cards and gifts at Beaumont Parish Hall from 10.00 am -12 noon. It is a chance to meet and chat with fellow parishioners. Home-made scones, and tea or coffee available. Proceeds in aid of the new Parish Hall Rebuilding Funds See the Beaumont Parish Hall page for further details. All welcome!

Under 11's Halloween Party at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

6:00 pm - Halloween party for children, suitable for 11 years old and younger, at Beaumont Parish Hall on Saturday 28th October from 6 pm - 8 pm. £5 entry including refreshments. Disco, Halloween costumes and games. Book early for your child's place as places are limited, in advance only, ring Bryony 576403 or Michelle 576332. BACS payment to Bryony Kirk sort code:775601 A/C:74215260. Contact Michelle on 576332 for dietary requirements.

Annual Bonfire Night celebrations at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

7:00 pm - Beaumont Parish Hall is be holding its annual BONFIRE NIGHT celebrations on Tuesday 5th November. Come along and enjoy the fire, fireworks and traditional food: soup and a roll and hot dogs.(Veggie options available) Fire lit at 7pm followed by the fireworks. Please NO SPARKLERS!. Raffle. Entrance fees: Adults 6, children 4. All are welcome!
Bonfire Lit at 7pm. Firewood can be added from 31st October. NO PLASTIC and no green wood.

Autumn Fair
Venue:  Village Hall

12:00 pm - Saturday 9th November from 12 noon - 4 pm. An ideal opportunity for some early Christmas shopping from a variety of Christmas and gift stalls. Take a break from your shopping and enjoy some delicious home-made refreshments available to purchase throughout the afternoon. Free admission.
Lunch: Home-made soup & roll. Afternoon: Mince pies, shortbread, scones, cakes and bakes. Raffle and charity book stall. If you wish to book a table for a stall, contact Bryony on 576403. This event helps to raise funds for the Beaumont Children's Christmas Party so please come alone and support us!

Raffle and tombola.

Family Bingo at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

6:30 pm - Bingo Night for all the family starting at 6.30 pm. Free admission. £1 per bingo book. Refreshments available. Raffle.

Monthly Coffee Morning at Beaumont Parish Hall
Venue:  Village Hall

10:00 am - MONTHLY COFFEE MORNINGS at Beaumont Parish Hall on the 1st Friday of each month from 10.00 am -12 noon. It is a chance to meet and chat with fellow parishioners. Home-made scones, and tea or coffee available. Proceeds in aid of the new Parish Hall Rebuilding Funds See the Beaumont Parish Hall page for further details. All welcome!