title="Beaumont Parish Council in Cumbria">

, welcome to Beaumont Parish Council websiteTue, 18th February 2025

Welcome to the website of Beaumont Parish Council, Carlisle, Cumbria, serving the villages of Beaumont, Grinsdale, Hosket Hill, Kirkandrews on Eden and Monkhill. We hope you find the website informative and interesting. It contains information about the Parish of Beaumont, as well as publications by and information about the Parish Council and its work but please contact us if you have any questions or if you wish to contribute.

The website was launched in response to requests from residents in our Parish Plan for more communication. The website is maintained by members of the Parish Council. If you have any concerns that you feel the Parish Council should be aware of, or if we can be of assistance to you then please let us know. We would like this website to be useful to the whole community so if there is anything you think might be useful to add then please let us know by using the contact page.

You can use the tabs to find your way around the site.

If you want to let the community know about a upcoming event visit the events page and complete the form.

We welcome photographs relating to the Parish, of people, places, events or wildlife, past or present.

 Photograph of the River Eden from Beaumont Parish Hall.Taken by Stephen Lloyd-Smart.


Here is a list of some of Cumberland Council consultations

Cumberland Council Boundary review (closes 24 February)


Please check details of parish wide events on the calendar.

Bingo Night for all the family starting at 6.30 pm on Saturday 15th February at Beaumont Parish Hall. Free admission. £1 per bingo book. Refreshments available. Raffle.

Lunch with Us at Monkhilll Chapel on Thursday 27th February A hot 2 course meal followed by tea or coffee at Monkhill Chapel School-room, usually on the last Thursday in the month. Doors open 12 noon Lunch at 12.30 pm prompt. No set charge - donations invited for Chapel Funds. All welcome;


Pancake Lunch at the Schoolroom, Monkhill Chapel on Saturday 1st March  from 12 noon to 2 pm. Sweet and savour options available. Proceeds in aid of North Cumbria Methodist Circuit Project 2024/2025 - Cumbria Agricultural Chaplaincy - supporting and networking with the farming community in Cumbria.


Monthly Coffee Morning at Beaumont Parish Hall from 10.00 am -12 noon o Friday 7th March. It is a chance to meet and chat with fellow parishioners. Home-made scones, and tea or coffee available. Proceeds in aid of the new Parish Hall Rebuilding Funds See the Beaumont Parish Hall page for further details. All welcome!


Regular weekly events

Yoga sessions Weekly yoga sessions at Beaumont Parish Hall The sessions cater for all ages and abilities and run every Thursday from 10 am - 11 am. £9 per person. Tea / coffee afterwards.

Come along and join a short mat bowls group at Beaumont Parish Hall. The group meets every two weeks on Thursdays starting at 2 pm. Costs paid a month in advance.
Organised by Carlisle and District U3A. Contact 01228 550033.


Grass cutting Tender 2025 If you are intereted in quoting for the grass cutting tender for Beaumont Parish Hall grounds contact Albinas for more details on 01228 576403 or email beaumontpcwebsite@hotmail.co.uk Closing date is 15th February 2025.

News Feed  Recent News
Vacancy for a Parish Clerk at Beaumont Parish Council  Vacancy for a Parish Clerk at Beaumont Parish Council  »  (28 November)
Road closure at Kirkandrews on Eden on November 20th  Road closure at Kirkandrews on Eden on November 20th  »  (14 November)
Grass cutting tender 2025  Grass cutting tender 2025  »  (28 October)
Claiming Pension Credit  Claiming Pension Credit  »  (17 October)
Tempory road closure between A689 Burgh roundabout and Monkhill  Tempory road closure between A689 Burgh roundabout and Monkhill  »  (27 August)

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